82% of pupils accelerate progress with CENTURY at Sunny Bank

Posted on 26th September 2023

Posted by CENTURY

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes


Sunny Bank Primary School is a one-form entry school in North Manchester, and is part of Vision Multi-Academy Trust, who are rolling out CENTURY trust-wide following the success at Sunny Bank. We spoke to headteacher James Gabrielides about how accelerated learning on CENTURY combined with quality-first teaching has positively impacted attainment in every year group and their Year 6 SATs results.

How we use CENTURY

When we first introduced CENTURY, we stopped setting traditional homework. At the end of each week, teachers analyse assessment for learning data and select six children who need a little extra boost at home, and send them home with CENTURY nuggets. Stage two was bringing it into the classroom. Teachers use it as a whole class learning tool, or they set up certain children to work through a nugget targeting a gap that had been assessed. CENTURY is not a silver bullet, but a resource that will make a really good teacher even better.

The idea with this system is “keep up, not catch up”. We don’t wait six weeks to plug a gap, we do it the week that it’s taught. The teachers are really attuned to the analysis to pinpoint where the gaps are. Once identified, they set nuggets as interventions to mirror what’s going on with the classroom. With pre-teaches, the teacher will set a learning nugget for the entire class and then they have that data to inform planning based on what the children already know and don’t know.

We’re not currently a one-to-one device school, but we will be by next term. As a result of our success, the entire Vision MAT is rolling out CENTURY along with one-to-one devices to support implementation.

Year 3 to 6 Impact Study

We forensically tracked the progress and attainment of a wide demographic of pupils from Years 3 to 6. This demographic of pupils was mixed ability, and included some who qualify for pupil premium, some who have special educational needs, and some who have English as an additional language. This was the broadest possible church to represent usage in our school.

These pupils took an assessment in the autumn term, and then another assessment in the summer and we analysed their scaled scores alongside the amount of time they had spent on CENTURY for each subject. These included SATs papers for Year 6, and other assessments.

Our data shows that for 82% of the selected demographic there is a clear correlation between accelerated progress and additional learning via the CENTURY platform. Alongside quality-first teaching, the effective use of CENTURY played an important role for many students. 88% of pupils made good or accelerated progress with CENTURY in at least one subject, and over half (53%) of pupils made good or accelerated progress with CENTURY in all three tested subjects.

Year 6 SATs Impact

In Year 6 the parents ask what they can do at home to address any gaps. Our Year 6 teacher, Elizabeth Johnson, sets specific nuggets for those children to recap at home if they need something that she may not have time to do a whole lesson on. The videos are ideal if children are struggling with something. She sets pre-teaches too, for higher ability and lower ability groups, so they can progress independently.

The impact of this was reflected in our overall SATs scores, which we are incredibly proud of:

  • Reading 91% at EXS (expected standard) 41% GDS (greater depth)
  • Writing 88% at EXS (expected standard) 22% GDS (greater depth)
  • Maths 91% at EXS (expected standard) 41% GDS (greater depth)
  • RWM (reading/writing/maths) 78% EXS (expected) 13% GDS (greater depth)

One student had tracked just below expected in maths for a couple of years. She had the self-perception that she could not do maths. She did not lack work ethic, but she lacked the confidence that she would see any benefit compared to English, for example. Elizabeth picked up on this and built her confidence by setting nuggets related to the learning. Spot on gap analysis enabled her to select the right nuggets at the right time, so the student was not doing anything unknown, just consolidation. 

As she succeeded she became more confident and worked harder. She spent more hours doing maths on CENTURY than any other child in Year 6. Her increased self-perception and improved confidence meant in the summer she got an absolutely fantastic score on the paper and could see the progress as her scaled score increased from 92 in the autumn to 102 by the end of the year.

Find out more about how you can use CENTURY in your primary school here. Book a demo here.