Supercharge your Functional Skills and Digital Skills provision through personalisation Learn more ✔ AI-powered personalisation to support and encourage independent learning Watch our Video Our Smart IA™ tool is designed to maximise the accuracy of the results with minimal testing time. It allows you to seamlessly administer adaptive initial assessments for English and maths functional skills from Entry 1 to Level 2, with downloadable results only viewed by the teacher. Watch our Video CENTURY's Functional Skills and Digital Skills courses contain hundreds of micro-lessons developed by experienced educators. Each micro-lesson contains an explainer video, a slideshow and self-marking assessment questions in a variety of formats and can be set for homework, classwork or revision.Download the curriculum map for an overview of subjects and topics. The results have been fantastic, with 80% of learners going on to study further, which is exactly what Multiply is all about. We’ve seen improved learner outcomes, increased confidence and high levels of engagement. I think it’s a fantastic platform. I can highly recommend CENTURY as a platform to support initial assessments and the whole learning journey for functional skills and stretch and challenging learners with maths and English. It is a great, innovative way to engage learners. Book a demo and you won’t look back! It's the best system out there for maths and English. It’s having an impact, and as long as our learners are enjoying it and getting the best out of it, then we're all for it. We want to see learners have success and continue to progress, and one of the major factors behind that is using CENTURY. The resources are brilliant with the option of the video and the slides. It is very easy also for tutors to keep track of how their students are doing. It's brilliant. It's working really well and we're really happy with it. If anybody asks, I would always recommend it. We know that VocTech has the potential to make a hugely positive impact in FE, and the early results of the work undertaken by CENTURY are extremely exciting. We are really proud to have funded the project that uses advanced technology to support teachers in FE with the aim of improving outcomes for learners in maths and English. We chatted to Emma Isles, Functional Skills Manager for Apprenticeships at The Bedford College Group about how they can rely on CENTURY to fit into the lives of apprentices alongside their other commitments. How did you ensure a successful rollout with your team and your students? Communication is key. During the first month of the […] Learn more TrainPlus, a training provider supporting the delivery of apprenticeships, is committed to providing quality bespoke training that meets the needs of both individuals and organisations. We spoke to Harvey Sparks, IT Security Officer at TrainPlus, to hear about the benefits of using CENTURY’s Smart IA, our online adaptive initial assessments, to identify learners’ strengths and […] Learn more North Yorkshire Multiply Services discuss how they reached out to learners in the community in a variety of ways, including using the online learning platform, CENTURY. Learn more Pareto is a training provider who partners with organisations to support their staff development. Their main area of expertise is sales, digital and business management skills, as well as recently developing teaching assistant apprenticeships in partnership with Randstad. We spoke to Madeleine Robinson, Head of Operations and Transformation, and Kate Sydney, Functional Skills and Learning […] Learn moreAn award-winning assessment, teaching and learning AI platform for ITPs
CENTURY for apprenticeships
✔ Initial Assessments for English and maths to establish the correct level for your learners
✔ High-quality Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 to Level 2 English and maths, and Essential Digital Skills courses for Entry Level and Level 1
Initial assessment on CENTURY
Curriculum coverage
Lois Calvert, Multiply Development Manager
North Yorkshire Multiply Services
Madeleine Robinson, Head of Operations and Transformation
Rob Darlington, Director of Skills for Business
Kristina Thistlethwaite, Functional Skills Tutor
Dentrain Professionals Ltd
Rebecca Garrod-Waters, CEO
Ufi Charitable Trust
News & Blog
How to ensure apprentices succeed in English and maths with CENTURY
News & Blog
How CENTURY’s Smart IA keeps learners at TrainPlus on track
News & Blog
North Yorkshire Multiply team increase learner progress with CENTURY
News & Blog
How CENTURY has transformed English and maths provision at Pareto